TaJuan's Politics 101- Tip 2:This will be a Saturday Post for a quick read.
The National Democratic Party adopts a platform based upon research and robust discussions of its National Democratic Committee Members representing every segment of our Country and the best expert leaders in every field discussed. Gale Jones Carson represents Tennessee on that committee from our community.
Candidates who run under the label of a "Democrat" have a responsibility to respect and advocate our platform. When a Democrat does" his own thing", he needs to run as an "independent". But, he won't because most of us are Democrats and he wants to use our support to win while he works on his own agenda. In fact, I know of some black Republicans in Shelby County that all of sudden claimed that they were Democrats because they could not get elected by their Republicans. Public service should be about "we, the public". But, t it quickly becomes the "candidate's personal agenda" and we are tagged along for their ride.
I have a copy of the 20 page document for the DNC and no where does it mentions we support vouchers. It was discussed but the Party chose not to endorse that strategy for public education. So, when you hear Democrats talking about School Vouchers, be alert! Listen and ask them if this issue has been endorsed by our Democrat Party which is headed by our President, The Honorable Barack H. Obama.
These officials they may have been given large contributions from the other side to pimp us. Don't get fooled by a few "gonna get paid handkerchief heads". Get the facts instead. Support your party to produce long term results for us all and not quick cash for a few.
" The Democratic Party understands the importance of turning around struggling public schools. We will continue to strengthen all our schools and work to expand public school options for low-income youth, including magnet schools, charter schools, teacher-led schools, and career academies." The National Democratic Party Platform 2012 (You won't find vouchers in that statement!!!!)
Betta ask somebody, because I am not playing in 2014. E'nuf Said.
Here's the Link to review the Democratic Party's Platform for 2012