Monday, January 13, 2014

Let's Stop Giving Bad Politics a Pass to Hurt Poor People!!!

I just heard my friend, Otis L. Sanford's commentary on WREG about affordable health care. All I have to say it that I won't hold my breath waiting for Republicans to do the right thing. But, I am not going to excuse their bad behavior that harms poor and working people who need health care from the opportunity to have health care. I am calling them out for hurting poor people, black, white, republican, democrat, rural, urban...they are our citizens who need these benefits. I would hope a poor white rural person from East TN would not want to block his family from having health care just because it also helps a black urban poor family in West Tennessee. I don't believe that!

All "Be the Dreamers" should know that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, would not be silent with these states. I believe he would be calling for non-violent civil disobedience. He would not say, "Oh well, just die because the Republicans hate Obamacare." And, I believe, Dr. King would advocate for the rural poor in Rocky Top like he would for the urban poor in MTown!

I listened to the County Commission today, adopting new policies to skirt around the Affordable Health Care Law by making sure that don't give temporary workers 30 hours to avoid paying for health care. Crazy...tell your Governor and General Assembly to sign Tennessee up and stop paying games with citizens' lives. They need 40 hour jobs and you are trying to avoid giving them 30 hours. Sad Dreamers in Tennessee!!!

Anyway, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr was more than a dreamer.  He was a thinker, a strategist, an activist, and a doer.  Let these Republicans know that health is about life survival for some, and is bigger than protecting their political leverage. Tell the Governor that he is not representing the people who elected him when he stand in the way of their families' progress to score a political point when a President will still be the "POTUS" when you wake up tomorrow.  But, some of your constituents who could have been treated for diabetes, cancer, kidney diseases, and strokes won't because of your political so-called leverage.

In words of my the dear great late Judge Rita Stotts on her birthday,  "E'nuff said."