We may be a Red State, but Shelby County is the Blue Corner in Tennessee and a part of the 2 million spread for the President's popular vote. We should wear our label proudly.
Our Governor and County Mayor and others have shown us that they are not willing to go to the mat for us. I don't care how moderate that want to appear, they are not willing to stand up for all Tennesseans best interest and opposed the Tea Party. Remember, that when they get in your faces and smile and ask for your votes. Smile, shake their hands and vote democratic! That vote and booth is your moment to stick it to them for all the things they have done to try and stop the progress of our nation, state and county. Let's play hard ball.
We need the Affordable Care Plan, but our Governor won't participate. This month thousands will lose TnCare because of his decision. We need the national PreK program, but our Governor won't participate. And those same corporate people who put $500,000 to campaign for a 1/2 sales tax could influence him, but they won't.
I don't believe the only people who are in need of health care, PreK, or unemployment benefits are in Shelby County. I believe citizens in Knox County, Maryville, Kingsport, Pulaski, Tn would benefit, too. We need local leaders who will say that to our Governor and General Assembly. These basic needs are not confined to a region, a color, or sex, or culture...some needs are basic for us all.
The DA as nice as she is, tells our children to do what the police tells you to do and does not admonish the police for violating their constitutional rights. Then, the Court throws out a murder case because the DA's office withheld information that proved the accused was innocent. Come media! Do your jobs.
Be very careful Democrats! It's election time and republicans are going to show up, pat you on the head, try to be visionary all of sudden. They will invite you to see a three-circus, come to your churches, weddings, funerals, and chitterlings dinners. But, you and I will not invited to theirs while they talk about our President, make excuses for not funding healthcare, PreK or taking a woman's right to choose away. Be very, very careful the piranhas our out and some handkerchief heads, too. Ya'll know what I am talking about.
If I stepped on your toe please don't comment just say "ouch". This is a call-out and no response is needed.
I am cracking myself up. LOL
It's been a nice holiday but TaJuan the Notetaker is baccck! You will be called out in 2014!
Missed you and I hope you had a wonderful holiday! Happy New Year to all my faithful readers.