Lord have Mercy on Memphis. I got back to Memphis and read the news, and it got stinky. Told Ron that I smell a rat and the best way to catch a rat is to watch him go after the cheese. Who has legal contracts with the County?
First, the issue with Deidre Malone is a non issue. When did McDonald's sue Burger King for making and selling Hamburgers? Ain't happening! When we give someone ownership to create a forum for African American women? This is a capitalistic society. I realize you can't use someone else intellectual property but Deidre's company was hired to buy advertising and they have impugned her character.
Makes me wonder how much business does this law firm get from the County. I am not accusing but I can wonder?
Then, the situation with Wendi C. Thomas smells. As soon as she focuses on the lack of contracts to minorities and women in county government, she is released from her column and assigned to proofreading and editing. Come on, now.
I see what's happening here and if I could follow the cheese it may lead to the County Building.
Wake up, ya'll. As my Granny would say, "It's getting late in the evening and we need to swing low sweet chariot." Meaning: By nightfall, it's time to run for freedom. In this case, time to get out and vote. Don't argue with folks but use your power, talk and encourage twenty people each to vote. Make your list, check and twice and keep talking to them until they vote!!!!!