Sunday, June 22, 2014

Members of the Jury, I just don't think The City of Memphis likes Old People

I have delayed writing this for many reasons. Full Disclosure:  I am negatively affected by the City of Memphis' recent decision to force retirees to pay 100% cost of their health care.  

For several days, a question has nagged me in the sleep, in my thoughts, and while I engaged in my daily routine, "Does the City of Memphis not like old people?"  I admit I dropped some tears at the thought of paying $1350-1775 a month for health care and with some plans a $5500 per person annual deductible for an 80/20 plan.  I've cussed and prayed for forgiveness and refused to get out of my funk. We did everything right to honor the City, and now they dishonor us. And they expect, you to want this cold treatment with fries, a Coke and smile.  Well, I just don't have it and I have to ask the question, "Does the City of Memphis not like old people?"

Some of the very people I have supported, encouraged others to vote for because I always felt they would be true to democratic principles turned their backs on us.  Democrats believe in supporting the needs of people over the corporate greed.  That is why it is hard to believe the City Council broke an institutional promise to 6000 families.  And they still have the nerve to say, "Trust me".  I don't think so.

In fact, I am beginning to believe in the paraphrased words of Kanye West, "The City of Memphis does not like old folks."  Not only did the City drop retirees from health care, the city has each retiree's home address and did not send one letter explaining this situation.  In fact, the City never talked about our options and I still do not have facts by which we can make good decisions about our future health care needs. We don't know who to call, the effective date of the new plan, or any firm prices to make sound decisions for our families. Pray for better management of a tense situation.

I understand it was the new State Law that imposed new minimum payments on the City and because they cannot meet those payments, they chose to dissolve our health care benefits.  It this is true, Senators Mark Norris, Reginald Tate and others should talk to us, too.

If you are a retired city employee and have not joined the Association of City Retired Employees, do so now.  The website is  Membership is only $25 per year.  Let's help them with a lawsuit on our behalf.

The second issue involving "old people" is the City of Memphis crack down on broken sidewalks in old and poor neighborhoods.  WREG -TV 3 in February, 2014.

"(Memphis) Along North Parkway, you will find plenty of cracked and broken sidewalks.“The old trees and everything, it’s the roots that are growing up,” says Lori Tuggle, who lives on North Parkway.The Tuggle family have lived on North Parkway  and never thought the sidewalk was their responsibility.“I know you are responsible if somebody falls. You are supposed to keep it clear in case somebody falls,” says Lori Tuggle.She didn’t know she must also keep it repaired.The sidewalk in front of your  property is up to you to maintain, not the city or county.Mayor AC Wharton says you wouldn't know it by the number of complaints the city gets.“Folks call me and blast me for not fixing their sidewalks, when it’s their responsibility,” says Wharton.So the city is cracking down and enforcing an often ignored city ordinance that says every owner of property must keep sidewalks or walkways in good repair and condition.“We are getting ready to start enforcing that and we are gonna have a lot of hardship cases,” says Wharton.“So many people out of work. How can you afford to get your sidewalk fixed when you can’t even pay your light bill?” says Lori Tuggle.There could be consequences for not repairing your sidewalks, starting with a warning all the way up to a lien on your property.The Tuggles say they are in a catch-22, since the bad sidewalks are caused by old trees.“You have to have a permit to get the tree cut down in order for you to fix the sidewalk,” say Melvin Tuggle, who lives on North Parkway.“They should just let us know first before they start cracking down on people because that is expensive,” says Lori Tuggle.The City plans on getting the word out along with information and options for hardship cases, giving people a chance to make repairs before they are forced to do so.If you’re given a notice to make repairs, you’ll have 30 days to do it.If the city has to do it instead, you’ll have to pay for it and failing to pay could land you in court."
Now, here is my problem.  Rather than make demands and ultimatums, why not seek federal or private grants to offer a program that will assist older homeowners on fixed incomes to repair their sidewalks?  We do this for energy conservation programs.  The Plough Foundation is begging for grant applications that will serve seniors.  If the homeowner participates, they should agree to allow the City to contract the work.  This ensures consistency in quality of the work around the City.

Now, if you look at City Hall, it is a perfect picture of an Executive Staff  that is mostly under fifty-five, mostly male and I think one African American woman. Therefore, after realizing this picture and the two situations described in this post,  I have really come to the conclusion that..."The City of Memphis does not like old people." 

There you have it Members of the Jury.  What do you think?  Does this City like Old People?  

Here's a social justice ministry assignment.  

  1. Check the city employees in your congregations. Believe me they need your word of encouragement.  It could be a lifeline.  I have a friend who is a retired firefighter whose wife is in ICU, he is worried about how he will continue to provide for her care.  A 31-year veteran police officer who retired two years ago and is not 65 has been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. She and her college daughter feel betrayed by this city.   
  2. Use your influence to voice your concern to the powers in high places. Call your Council Member and ask for reconsideration or reasonable options that retirees can afford. Encourage all to go back and find other solutions, rather than the one they chose to eliminate, widows, children, and old folk off health care.  There is a do-nut hole in the Affordable Care Health if you are 55-65, with preexisting condition and family income above $45,000, the premiums are unreasonable.  A retiree paying 100% cost of the City's plan and only gets a $35,000 pension should not have to spend 1/2 of his pension on healthcare. You are pushing them into poverty. This is just wrong and unfair to our most vulnerable citizens who served our City with distinction.
  3. Do not let State Representatives off the hook.  Call Senators Mark Norris and Reginald Tate and ask them to work to amend the new state law to ensure pension protections but allows the City to submit a plan that will not afflict this kind of pain on retirees. Allow plans to be approved b the State Comptroller's office.  Also, tell them to work with ACRE.  This is not a union but the represent retirees as a unit and will work with you for a solution.

I know I was being funny in this article. I don't want believe that this City just does not like old people.  The City of Memphis really has 5 loafs, 2 fish, and 6,000 hungry mouths.  I know it seems impossible but with God all things are possible. Let's use our best minds, and patiently seek some solutions. 

I will not support Chamber businesses that ill advised endorsed a plan that forces retirees living solely on pension benefits to pay 100% of their health care. The list of those businesses is circulating on the Face Book page entitled, "I Was Negatively Affected by The City of Memphis Council Vote!" 

I want to encourage the Mayor to invite those State Republican leaders who imposed these restraints on the City to the table.  They should understand that these 6,000 hungry and sick people should not be left to suffer, worry and die because the city cannot honor their commitment.  If they need to amend the State Law to allow the City to work on a solution that is not so painful, so be it.

I am trusting God to work this out for the good of those who truly love him.  I left church today feeling that I need to do what I can do and then trust God.  I write, influence, and network.  Now,  that I have done that,  I will trust in The Lord.  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your plans straight." Proverbs 3:5-6.  I am trusting God because...

... I just don't want to believe, the City of Memphis does not like old people.

I understand the Mayor and Mrs. AC Wharton, Jr. have been involved in a minor car accident. I am praying for both of them.  I told him I am still upset about my healthcare, but I am glad they are alright and that they have health care insurance.  

Lesson:  Hate the game, not the players.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Breaking News!

There appears to be a disturbing trend of Breaking News on Democrats occurring in Memphis.I am trying not to be sinister, but I am suspicious. If in  the State of MS some allegedly  pranksters can invade an elderly's woman hospital care facility  to take pictures of her to exploit for politics, there is a possibility the same could happen in Memphis.

First, Deidre Malone is sued because she was hired by someone to buy advertising for an event and it makes headline news.  The media focused on our Mayoral Candidate, rather than the Event Organizer, but when the lawsuit was amended to drop Deidre's name, there is no article in the CA or no Breaking News.

Yesterday, our Party Chairman was arrested because he did not timely pay a $50 moving violation and Judge Larry Potter issued a warrant for his arrest. I am being told that this is a common practice for moving violations in Shelby County, outside of Memphis.  What a total waste of police resources when we have citizens who can't go to get gas for their car without a gun being pointed at their six month old baby for a $20 robbery.

Don't get it twisted.  I believe you pay Caesar what is owed to Caesar. But, I don't think issuing a warrant for someone's arrest, taking a patrol car off the street to process someone who did not pay a $50 fine makes sense.  Why not send a letter that if it is not paid within two weeks, license would be suspended? (An item for a state legislative agenda)  Why not attached the $50 fine to renewal of car tags?  But, making an arrest for a moving violation that did not result in an accident or cause bodily harm,  is a real move that violates the trust of wise use of government resources.  In my opinion, just another reason we need new leadership in the General Sessions/Environmental Court and the Sheriff's office.

Now, today, the Breaking News about Commissioner Brooks being investigated for simple assault.  I don't doubt that words were exchanged, but I doubt that Commissioner Henri E. Brooks at this stage of her career and possibly advancing would take the liberty to assault anybody. Like you, I am waiting for details. I want to believe there is another explanation.

In Politics, people are squeezed and threaten all the time.  They are set up and some situations are designed to take you out.  I will never forget a $5 felony indictment against one of the most loving people I know, Barbara Swearengen Ware. I won't forget the feds paying an informant over $100K a year for three or four years to cast a net to get someone. I will never forget how the DA threaten to remove the City Attorney out of office because he could not get records timely, but said nothing to anybody about Rape Kits.

I have been threaten with exposure of my retirement check which I helped them to expose.  So what, now?  Then, told to stop blogging.  But, this entry should let you know that I am not bothered.  Will someone tell these folks that I am a Christian and "fear" is not of God.  I also know that I have to be careful and live a good and honest life.  I do not find that difficult.

Here is my unsolicited advise to those devious minds that attempt to destroy the reputation of others. Instead of trying to destroy others, explain, clarify, correct, and improve situations.  It will gain you respect.  Here is my unsolicited advise to candidates, Calm Down.  Campaigns are stressful take time for yourself in the midst of a busy day.  Pray and taste your words before you speak.

My unsolicited advice to our Democratic Party, and nominees, stop going anywhere  alone until this election is over. Having someone with you as a witnesses if there is a conflict, and a resource to diffuse a situation, could be beneficial at this stage of campaigning. Finally, consider professional security for our Mayoral Candidate, Sheriff, and DA nominees.

I believe we won some elections in 2010, and they were stolen from us through manipulation of the voting process that was stacked with flaws.  We will win big in 2014.  I believe opposition's strategy will be to discredit the candidates so we won't vote for them.  When Congress overwhelming vote for one of the President's policies, I'll consider voting for a Republican.  That's right, not happening.

We have different world, state and local views.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Richard A. Boehne
Board Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
312 Walnut Street 2800
Scripps Center
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Fax: 513-977-3024 Phone: 513-977-3000
Dear Mr. Boehne:
After reading your website I was amazed with the history of the Commercial Appeal and it's long standing affiliation with Scripps.
"In 1841, when Memphis was only 20 years old, Col. Henry Van Pelt produced the first edition of The Appeal in the wooden shack where he lived. Printing it weekly on single sheets of paper, Van Pelt began an institution that 167 years later is the major voice of the Mid-south."
Reading this makes it difficult to announce that after a quarter of a century of being a subscriber, my husband and I are cancelling our subscription with the Commercial Appeal

This decision is based not on one situation. However, a combination of recent developments from the CA leads me to believe your editorial and business staff are misguided and no longer an advocate to enlighten citizens based upon the traditional journalistic ethics and standards.

Often, your reporting is involved in campaigning for the Chamber and against the lives of ordinary working citizens.  In fact, the CA's leadership is too entrenched as a member of Memphis Tomorrow and Chamber of Commerce to ever be unbiased in its decisions. In fact, I don't think you have a clue the impact that some of your decisions that support the Chamber's public policy initiatives are having on the working and retired citizens of Memphis.

I have been displeased for some time. But, I kept my subscription because the CA is a major employer for Memphis and I wanted to do my part in supporting that effort.  I understand being an employer to support Memphis is not your main purpose, but it was your employees, who were hired to produced your product, that inspired me to be loyal to your publication even when I disagreed. They are hardworking employees who love Memphis and made this town their home, the reporters, carriers, receptionists, but the management is so disconnected.

Here are my reasons for cancelling:

  1. The editorial opinion that encouraged the Memphis City Council to increase health care insurance on retired city employees from 30% to 100% was heartless.  My husband worked for 38 years for this city fighting fires and now that he is retired and living on a limited income you suggest that we pay 100% of our healthcare.  Heartless!  This is a public policy driven by the Chamber of Commerce and I know they buy ads which is more than my annual garage sale ad and  subscription. Apparently,my support of the CA is not valued at all. And if you can encourage them to make me pay 100% of my health care, rather than tell them to honor the commitment they made to the retirees,  the first item I should cut to pay for health care is the Commercial Appeal.
  2. Last week, Columnist Wendi Thomas, wrote a story that revealed the great disparity in county contracts among minority and women owned businesses.  It was astounding! We are in the midst of a County election and this information is helpful in framing decisions about the candidates.  I don't require your endorsements.  I need good investigative reporting on all sides of an issue and help me in making my decisions.  Your business team made a decision that it would be her last column and she will be reassigned.  She has been a columnist for 10 years and equally distributes her opinions for the good, bad or shame on all groups. I have agreed and disagreed with her equally but protected her write to have an opinion and challenge my thinking.   But, I assume the County Government or the Chamber called and changes were made.  It may not be all that happened, but as a reader this is all I have to make that assessment.
  3. Earlier this week, Deidre Malone, Democratic nominee for County Mayor, was unfairly named in a lawsuit by another business.  (Now, I think all of this is politically motivated because it was an African American woman suing an African American woman to hurt her political base.)  The story was headline, front page, and top fold news.  A couple days later, the story changed and the business removed Deidre Malone's name from the lawsuit but there is "no" story at all about her name being removed from the lawsuit.
  4. I am disappointed that you choose to be a member of the Chamber of Commerce but community relations among neighborhood groups is a low priority.  If you would check your endorsements of candidates to our county's recent election outcomes, it is clear that the CA is out of touch with the public. 

In the City where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. died, and you received your first Pulitzer Prize for efforts against the resurgence of the Klu Klux Klan in 1923, it is sad to think that you have stopped being a champion of ordinary people.  It is sad to think that I will join the other citizens gathering information online rather, than enjoying my morning decaf coffee with my paper. I regret this decision, but you've left me no option but to take a stand for what is right based upon principle on issues I believe in. 

I am certain that others who are as concern as I am will choose to do the same.  


TaJuan Stout Mitchell

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I Smell A Rat!

Lord have Mercy on Memphis.  I got back to Memphis and read the news, and it got stinky. Told Ron that I smell a rat and the best way to catch a rat is to watch him go after the cheese. Who has legal contracts with the County?

First, the issue with Deidre Malone is a non issue. When did McDonald's sue Burger King for making and selling Hamburgers? Ain't happening! When we give someone ownership to create a forum for African American women? This is a capitalistic society. I realize you can't use someone else intellectual property but Deidre's company was hired to buy advertising and they have impugned her character.

Makes me wonder how much business does this law firm get from the County. I am not accusing but I can wonder?

Then, the situation with Wendi C. Thomas smells. As soon as she focuses on the lack of contracts to minorities and women in county government, she is released from her column and assigned to proofreading and editing. Come on, now.

I see what's happening here and if I could follow the cheese it may lead to the County Building.

Wake up, ya'll. As my Granny would say, "It's getting late in the evening and we need to swing low sweet chariot." Meaning: By nightfall, it's time to run for freedom. In this case, time to get out and vote. Don't argue with folks but use your power, talk and encourage twenty people each to vote. Make your list, check and twice and keep talking to them until they vote!!!!!