Saturday, April 5, 2014

Shelby Democratic Women for Gordon Ball, US Senate

Yes, we have a candidate.
  • A candidate who believes in a Living Wage! 
  • A candidate who supports Paycheck Fairness Act and values a woman's worth.  Ball knows that Equal Pay strengthens families and will not ask ridiculous questions like Senator Lamar Alexander. What does the bill do for men?  I thought this was an April Fool's joke.
"Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), the ranking member on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, made clear that he opposes the legislation, which addresses the gender wage gap and holds employers accountable for paying women less than men for the same work. Alexander said the bill would not help women make more money, and would only result in "more lawsuits."
He then asked attorney Camille Olson, testifying on behalf of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, what happens when men are being paid less than women.
"Take me through exactly what would have to happen, with a specific example of a man and woman, where a man is being paid less than the woman," Alexander said. "Because this law is not just about women -- it's about men and women."
Olson said the Paycheck Fairness Act gives the same protections to both sexes. "An employer would have to show that the woman was being paid more because of a factor other than sex, such as a qualification, advanced degree, or more experience," she told Alexander.
But men, typically, are not being paid less than women. Women who work full time in the U.S. make an average of 77 cents for every dollar men make. "
                   Laura Bassett ,, April 1, 2014

  • A candidate who believes in a woman's right to choose and the need for quality health care. 
  • A candidate who can get a sizable vote from East Tennessee where he lives, because he is respected for being fair to all,  and still attract West Tennessee.
  • A candidate who can value every corner of Tennessee and speak to our common values.
  •  A candidate who will be well funded to run against Lamar Alexander after Dr. George Flinn forces him to spend money.  
  •  A candidate who is a lawyer and is an advocate for the voiceless and knows how to prosecute the guilty.
  •  A candidate who represents the NCAA players because he believes it is wrong for colleges and universities to make millions and the players barely get educated and could lose promising careers due to college injuries. 
  • A Candidate with a supportive wife who admires her husband's humble beginnings and shares his genuine passion to serve the citizens of this great Volunteer State.

I have won four elections in this city and I plan to work like this race is my own.  Why?  Because it is a race for my young adult children looking for well paying careers and grandchildren who want great schools and a chance for a college education without having to give away an arm or a leg. 

Yes, we have a Democratic Candidate for the U.S. Senate and his name is Gordon Ball.  I encourage you to learn more about him.  Get excited and let's turn this vote out in the Democratic Primary.