Friday, February 21, 2014

Politics 101 Tip 3

The Commercial Appeal’s Editorial today reminded me of the “Bait and Switch” trick in politics.  Thanks for the editorial that asks the question why fees should be levied on citizens for services that have been included in our taxes.

This is a perfect example of "Bait and Switch" Politics.  

The Memphis City Council transferred the responsibility of maintaining the street lights from the City of Memphis to Memphis Light Gas & Water. But, they transferred the responsibility without the funds.  That's like giving a mother child support and she spends it on everything but the needs of the child, and then tells the Daddy the child needs lunch money and the school clothes. When the court ordered support took those needs in consideration.  A parent may choose to do more, but should not be required and nagged to do more.  I can say that because I was once a single divorced mother trying to make sure I was a responsible steward of the funds that were given to me for my children.

The street lights were a part of the property tax. It costs approximately $12 million to provide the street lights.  The City of Memphis did not return that to us as taxpayers and did not transfer it to Memphis Light Gas and Water.  So, what absorbed that cost?

Since, MLGW did not get the funding, they had to attach a fee to our utility bill for that service.  So, in a roundabout way, we get an increase without calling it an increase by the City Council. 

But, the Council will campaign at election time that they did not raise your taxes.  Wink! Wink!  What they did was a "bait and switch"! We can’t vote on MLGW Board Members.  But, we vote on Council Members. The Council will tell you it was the Memphis Light Gas and Water that gave you that fee, but won't tell you why.

I asked why we are paying for an inspection fee when cars are not being inspected.  I have not gotten an answer on that, either. You would think the closing down of the stations would have meant a reduction in that fee.

People see through political games.  Just give us the facts, tell us the truth, and do the right thing. We are paying the same in property taxes that we paid last year and we are getting less and less service.  I am not happy with these financial decisions, at all. 

I refuse to take that bait, and allow them to switch the blame.  "I know what you did, and it’s not cool.”  Wink! Wink!