Commissioner David Pickler is on a campaign to discredit the new Shelby County School system while he gives a pass to the municipal school district to slip out of the back door of the school merger. He claims that Memphis City School has massive loss while former Shelby County Schools' was a lesser degree.
The Shelby County Schools' loss was not a lesser degree!
Here are some of the facts:
1. Memphis City School equipment loss was approximately 23%
The Shelby County School equipment loss was 18%.
I went to school that is a 5% difference.
The former Shelby County Schools system was a third of the size of Memphis City Schools but the former SCS's loss was 5% less than Memphis City Schools. That means Shelby County Schools' loss was a greater percentage than Memphis City Schools. Please public, do not buy Pickler's ice water!! It's lukewarm.
2. The system has not been audited for equipment for over 30 years. In that time, some equipment is out dated, not functioning, replaced and tossed. Now, that's not the way to account for corporate equipment and the supervisor in charge of auditing this equipment should be called into question and policies developed to make sure this does not happen, again.
3. Sources shared with me that the firm that audited the district sent notices to employees 24-48 hours before the audit during the summer vacation break. Teachers and administrators were on vacation!!! Some had equipment at home working and planning during the break. Some stored their equipment to prevent thief. The firm's failed their process by not sending more notice and doing it at a time when school was in session. The first administrative days for teachers before students started would have been better.
I know there is some loss over a span of thirty years and citizens expect public leaders to be accountable and responsible. We expect them to be good stewards of these resources. I expect the elected officials to seek the truth, gather the facts and not be reactionary.
I want Commissioners to have a thoughtful and thorough in that process when coming to conclusions.. Superintendent Dorsey Hopson stated that further review of this situation is necessary to determine the accuracy of the report and recommend policies and procedures to prevent this loss again. Now, he's right and that's the message the public needs until more is determined.
Maybe, Commissioner Pickler is sitting on the wrong Board of Education! As my Granny would say when I was running around the house making a mess, "Sat Yo'self Down!"