Friday, October 4, 2013

Parents Step Up, Please!

As I read posts on Facebook, I ran across one that Wendi Thomas had about Southwind High School. Today, at Southwind High there was a gang fight and school's Homecoming activities were postponed. I found myself responding to the news.

"Unfortunately, we will hear from more parents about homecoming being canceled, than the fight. If Homecoming is rescheduled, I pray we have parents concerned about the violence and the potential for more violence if precautions are not made.

I want to hear PTAs', not administrators, speak out on what is not acceptable behavior. I want to see parents agree to organize and chaperon events with more parental involvement than they have ever had at a school event. I want children to feel the presence and watchful eyes of their parents. I want to see parents and law enforcement working together and the clergy adopting territories around the school. I want to see a new push for resources for mental health counseling for students and families."

Am I asking for too much? Maybe, I am dreaming. I am sorry. I thought families spent time together at the dinner table and talked about the day. I recall parents organizing the time after school.
  •  (1) Take off you school clothes We were proud of the way we dressed for school.
  •  (2) Do your homework without television. 
  • (3) Do your chores around the house 
  • (4) Enjoy fun time with siblings and friends. 

Our family was the "gang" in the neighborhood and if we did something, the Boss of the Johnson Family would tell the Boss of the Scott family, and we knew it. We played outside - hopscotch, kickball, and Captain May I? And when the lightening bug sparked, it was time to come inside. I sometimes feel bad that my grandchildren will never enjoy that kind of childhood.

I raised four and that's how we did it. And that's how our parents did it in the midst of a civil rights struggle. Education was not an option; it was your job, as I fed and clothed you. Small people didn't talk back and did not get in grown folk's conversations. But, maybe I am asking too much for parents to be adults and children enjoy your roles in a family.

Forty-eight percent (48%) of all American children and seventy-two percent (72%) of black children are born out wedlock.As tragic as that it, our real problems come when fathers and mothers are missing in action from their children's lives. Although, most children living in single family homes will likely live in poverty.  We were always poor financially, but never in spirit.  In fact, I was poor and never knew it because I was encouraged to value my God, family and education because with that foundation, I could do and be anything.

The headline tomorrow in the CA will read, "Southwind's Homecoming Canceled-Gang Fight".  I'll read it with while sitting on the porch with my coffee and shake my head in disbelief.  Then, I'll dream of yesterdays for children, today. 

But, let's stop ducking and dodging the truth, we need a cultural change in the mindset of parents to turn this situation around.  Schools can't do it.  It really does start in the homes.