Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Why This Particular Recovery Is So Bad at Creating New Jobs

Yesterday, my daughter told me that my 5th grade granddaughter talked to her about the Junior Achievement project at her school.  They are setting up a community  and the children had a chance to apply for a listing of jobs.  Here is their conversation.

Mom:  Well, which job did you decide to apply for today? You had great options, web designer, healthcare specialist, CEO First TN and CFO at FedEx.

Kynnedy:  Wow, never thought I would have so many experiences at my age to qualify for those jobs!  Being a part of Black Girls Code helped me qualify for Web Designer. My family background in healthcare and my rare skin ailment that I know so much about helped me with that healthcare specialist job. I have the highest math scores in school, so I qualified for the CFO and my jewelry line helped me with CEO.   I chose CFO for FedEx because I am really good a math.
Mom:  Did your friend Jamie run for Mayor?  How was her speech?
Kynnedy:  Yeah, she's running but I'm not voting for her.
Mom:  But, she's your friend!
Kynnedy:  Yeah, and she is still my friend but I am not voting her for Mayor because she tried to bribe us.
Mom:  Bribe you?  How?
Kynnedy:  By saying, she would not raise our taxes and give us our tax money back. You can't run a government without  money, and you shouldn't make promises you can't keep. No money, no service. No, I am not voting for her...nobody's got time for that.
That conversation was so funny.  I cracked up laughing. Then, I thought if the world were so simple our unemployment rate wouldn't be so high in this community.  I took pride in a school and program that teach children how to think independently and correlate training and experiences to skills.


Dear Lord, 

Today, I pray we have a good announcement about jobs for the citizens in Memphis and Shelby County. The Chamber has a regional focus, but City and County Governments should focus on Memphis and Shelby. Please give our corporate leaders wisdom to understand that our citizens need their help in training to prepare for the new jobs. They need training centers and a government to provide them without cost to our citizens who are already struggling. They need living wages to provide for themselves and their families. They need health care to protect the quality of their lives and the longevity of the work careers.
Give our corporate leaders a heart to extend mercy and forgiveness to one time felons who are really trying to change their lives. Hope gives one a different perspective on life and usually produces activity that cultivates peace and extends goodwill. 
And Dear God, I am not trying to be a throne in one's side. But, I understand the value of being a squeaky wheel, and some don't know how to raise their voices to power. I just want to help a crying citizenry be heard. Use me, Lord for these your people, too. Help me to find ways to be their voice in a noisy world. Lord bless our leaders locally and nationally. May they never lose focus of their desire to serve others.

I pray for education and its challenges as it tries to prepare the next workforce generation. May they not face the same issues of high unemployment and underemployment that we are dealing with today.


Please read this link.  The article is by Timothy Noah writer for the Pacific Standard.  It is very good.

Why This Particular Recovery Is So Bad at Creating New Jobs