Drake talked in an interview about summer road trips with his Dad to visit his "Uncle Willie". He considers Memphis as the place where he fell in love with blues and R&B music. He loved hanging around his uncle's studio. That uncle was the great and late, Willie Mitchell. His performance was "on fire". How ya' like me now, Rihanna? She was trying not to show any expression on her face while he performed.
And Katie Perry selected her movie director from the Memphis area, the writer and director of Hustle and Flow, Craig Brewer. He is such a good ambassador for the Memphis movie and entertainment. Craig is an advocate for the Shelby County Film and Tape Commission.By the look of Katie's grill, maybe it was not all was positive. ( LMBO ) Just kidding, but I have to keep up my Granny status of what's acceptable and what's tolerated.
Then, there is the performance everyone is buzzing about, Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines. Robin is married to Paula Patton who is the cousin of the famous Streeter Family in Memphis. In fact, Charles Streeter, drummer for Jennifer Lopez, bunked out in their home when he went to start his career in Hollywood.
Now, what concerns me about the performance is that Shake Club Dance of Miley Cyrus'. I can't imagine Paula Patton's face in the audience. Normally, you don't disrespect a Sister like this without getting a few choice words that even a Church lady would let slip on such a special occasion.
I understand having to grow up and claim your adult status. But, she is really tripping over going up. And she has placed a new spin on "smelling yourself". Believe me, I am 60 years old. It's not that critical, Miley. I understand, you don't want to be an "Isabella" but aspire to more than a Flavor Fla. I take that back because some of them have a lot more class compared to what I saw last night.
We all went through "the cry for self identity". I also understand blurring the lines and walking to the edge. But, this girl is about fall off her "Up Hill Climb". I miss Hannah Montana! I know she was fictional , but who is this woman? Miley Cyrus is the child of a great country western singer. If you are going to make a total 360 degree turn change the name, too. Something like, "World Peace or Artist formerly known as..." would work and we understand Hannah and Miley do not live here anymore.
Seriously, I am afraid if she keeps going 175 miles a hour on the public stage's freeway, there will be a tragic end. Some folk in this public will push you for "more, more, more" in a danger zone and place flowers at the place where it came to an end. Then, look for the next victim.
Enuf' Said... proud of Justin, Drake, Katie and like I Robin's song. That's something for Memphis to BHappy about today.
We all went through "the cry for self identity". I also understand blurring the lines and walking to the edge. But, this girl is about fall off her "Up Hill Climb". I miss Hannah Montana! I know she was fictional , but who is this woman? Miley Cyrus is the child of a great country western singer. If you are going to make a total 360 degree turn change the name, too. Something like, "World Peace or Artist formerly known as..." would work and we understand Hannah and Miley do not live here anymore.
Seriously, I am afraid if she keeps going 175 miles a hour on the public stage's freeway, there will be a tragic end. Some folk in this public will push you for "more, more, more" in a danger zone and place flowers at the place where it came to an end. Then, look for the next victim.
Enuf' Said... proud of Justin, Drake, Katie and like I Robin's song. That's something for Memphis to BHappy about today.