Okay, is it just me or is everybody purposefully focused on the "messenger" rather than the message? The former Judge Joe Brown questioned the legitimacy of the Magistrate's authority to place him in jail and said his authority was limited to a $10 fine.
Will anyone in the news media find out if that is true? Also, would that apply to decisions and rulings in regards to confining youth and placing parents in jail? I just want to know. Are our Juvenile Magistrates in Shelby selected by another standard that is different from other Counties in Tennessee? If so, why? Are these Juvenile Court Magistrates certified to render these decisions? If not, why not?
I can't deal with the drama. I am concerned about our Juvenile Court System's legitimacy. His questions made the Shelby Juvenile Justice system legitimacy suspect because non-elected judges are making decisions about our youth. Those decisions could lead to adult prosecution, sending youth to adult court, jail, and prison. Is our process of administrating justice in this Court legitimate or questionable?
Some suggest that we have a paternalistic system that was more suited for children with minor offenses and simple custodial matters. This design accommodated the late Judge Kenneth Turner, because he lacked a law degree. Have the demands of Shelby County for juvenile justice services outgrown that design? I just want an answer.
Given the fact that a U.S. Department of Justice almost wrote a book about the failings of our Juvenile Court and made recommendations for immediate compliance, did Brown make a point about the role of the Magistrate based upon the laws in the State of Tennessee? Was a unique law devised to cover Shelby but it is not the same around the state?
Another concern for me was the DA's reaction to the courtroom activity. The Christian Post's reporter, Sami K. Martin wrote, "His opponent in the race, Amy Weirich, also released a statement saying that Brown "should be ashamed of himself." Perhaps she was speaking as a candidate, and not the DA of Shelby. I would love to see the released statement.
Is it just me who was troubled by the reaction of the DA who admonished former Judge Joe Brown as if he were her child? I would have thought that she would professionally excused herself from comments and referred this matter to an outside County DA. Then, I expect the outside prosecutor would limit his comments, review both sides of this issue with all parties, find resolution, and inform the public. Is everybody overreacting to the smoking mirrors and disregarding the questions that were raised?
Please don't allow the media to draw us into the rant. We need to focus on the question of the legitimacy of our Juvenile Court System. We also need to decide as a community decide if its structure is sufficient for the needs of our county today?
Now, I am not excusing the lack of Courtroom decorum. Truth is, John Doe and I better not try that or we would be in jail those five (5) days and no one would care if the questions were legitimate or not. I am retired and once or twice, okay several times, (LOL) I've watched the Judge Joe Brown Show. He would not have tolerated that in his courtroom.
But, I appreciate the questions because ultimately this Court serves our children and families and its legitimacy should not be questionable. Let us not forget, sometimes, civil disobedience can be the action that causes a community to examine the questions that are being asked. Just maybe this was not about politics. Maybe, this was a call to a community that we have a problem.
But, I appreciate the questions because ultimately this Court serves our children and families and its legitimacy should not be questionable. Let us not forget, sometimes, civil disobedience can be the action that causes a community to examine the questions that are being asked. Just maybe this was not about politics. Maybe, this was a call to a community that we have a problem.
Yes, I am the Nerd in the room asking questions and taking note.