Friday, September 2, 2016

Sitting Well with Kaepernick's Right to Sit

My twenty something cousin, Calvin, was troubled by what's happening in the #ColinKaepernick public conversation. Here's my response to him.

Hello Cuz,

You should be doing the last minute list to get married. I am so proud of you and your bride.

I know this is disturbing. I truly believe in the right to protest. As uncomfortable as it may be for some, I will stand up for his right not to stand and sing as I do. When I sing, I do so not because my country is perfect but because our principles of democracy allow us to create a more perfect union. Protests, actions, and voting allow us to push America to be all she should be for all Americans.

Slavery was a standard and we were considered 3/5th of a person. But, our ancestors protested and voted for changes. That civil disobedience was uncomfortable and downright dangerous.

There was a time when it was the Republican party that understood our plight and when that changed, most of us became Democrats. This is why  your Great Great Uncle James was a Republican. At that time, it was the party of Lincoln that helped us fight a cause of freedom for us and to keep the nation in tact for them.

Look at the date when the National Anthem was written 1814 and over a century later, 1931 adopted by Congress as the national anthem. Now, the plight of our people was not good at either of those times. So, it was not written to include us. We forced this country to live up to its ideals. America is still a young country and we are still helping her grow up. It is why I can support immigration and now understand the civil rights of LBGT. I was so consumed with African Americans that I am ashamed that it took me too long to see what was happening to other groups.

Although, like Langston Hughes, "I Too Sing, America", and enjoy singing the National Anthem and saying the pledge, I am not upset with Colin Kaepernick. Instead, I am proud of his courage to live his conviction in the face of discomfort. Trust me, it will be a sacrifice for him. The man involved in Watergate was restored but the black man who was the janitor and reported the crime was an outcast. We must not fall in that trap of condemning Colin for his poignant protest.

When I was on the school board, my mentor Maxine Smith refused to say the pledge of allegiance. I did not have a problem with it, but she did. When the public tried to attack her I defended her freedom of speech and freedom to not participate. She was a local civil rights icon whose friends were killed in the struggle and her life threaten. Many times she felt abandoned by America.
The anger toward her quickly moved to me because I defended her.

Here we are post a Black President and in 2016 and the reaction to civil disobedience is the same. It is sad to me that a nominee for POTUS invited Colin to go to another country because his belief that America's treatment of all its citizens is not great. But, that same man campaigns how America is not great but he is not on a boat out of the country. Instead, he's running for President. That suggests he is entitled to America, but we are not. Whew!

Do not be over consumed by this. Get married. We'll talk politics another time.

Ron and I have this picture in our den to remind us how we have to pull together to get a piece of this American life. I pray you and your bride will always pull together, too.

Love you, Cousin.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Trump Stop Talking Dirty To Me!

Trump stop talking dirty to me!

 Does he not know that we know he used his influence to have 5 black boys jailed for a rape they did not commit?
But, life has a sense of humor because he is now fighting his charge of raping a minor.

Does he not know that we know the federal government sued him for redlining with his residential properties?

Does he not know that we know he is the "funder" of the birthed movement? ($5 million reward for proof that President Obama was not born in America)

Does he not know that we know "the African Americans"  who worked in his hotels had to hide in the basement because he didn't want too many of us out front?  
We know!!!

When I vote, I don't think we have someone will fix all our society's ills in one term. I am voting for someone whose character, skills, and resume reflect that he or she understands, shares the same concerns, and who has a track record that supports a vision to represent the American principles that I hold dearly.

Will his Supreme Court Justices reflect my views?
Can I expect a sizable increase in minimum wage?
Can the middle class expect less of a burden on taxes and the 2% of the wealthy a bit more?
Will a Woman's Right to Choose be protected or criminalized?
Can you work with others to unplugged a "do nothing" Congress?
Can we finally value public education and fund it to produce great minds from all races?
Can we value human life from across the borders and still keep America safe?
Can we expect diversity at work, in thought, in life and promote is an American value?
Can we honor the rights of LBGT and not make them the new 3/5 citizen?
Will you present a plan to engage our children from gangs to stimulating opportunities?
Will you protect my voting rights and the opportunities to enlarge to the pool of voters rather than shrink them?
Will you realize that we have work to do and help ex-offenders get a new start without the labels on their foreheads?
Will you have an aggressive Department of Justice that will be there to protect the rights of all citizens?

Trump stop talking dirty to me about what I don't have. "Come on give me some because you don't have a boyfriend at all."  Where's the "sweet nothings" (rhetoric and no record) in our ears, at least?

He said we have nothing to lose to vote for him. Hahahaha
Excuse me, you don't know all I have...
  • Respect for my family heroes and sheroes who struggled for my freedom and right to vote.
  • Sense of pride that what we have endured did not make us extinct but stronger to climb over mountains for the achievements and gains made.
  • A thirst for education and even in worst of circumstances, there are nightlights in America still shining in homes where children may get online through the use of a cellphone.
I got the Mary McLeod Bethune Last Will and Testament flowing through my veins:
--Love, Hope, Confidence, Respect for the Use of Power, Faith, Racial Dignity, Inner Peace with Self,  Pride in Passing the Baton.

I may have very little but my dignity is in tact!

But, Trump, you know nothing about African Americans because you are too busy, talking dirty to me.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Can We All Get Along?

Yesterday, I ran into David Kustoff. I hugged him and wished him well on his upcoming Congressional race. District 8 is mostly republican, and I am a democrat. I live in District 9. Immediately, I saw a fellow democrat give me a stern look as if I betrayed the party. I wondered, "How did we get here?"

From the candidates on the list, I think he's the best and with his good relationship with our new Mayor, that would be good for Memphis. Since, we live, work, sleep, invest, and enjoy family life in Memphis, that's good for us.

I know we have some differences. He is Pro Life and I am Pro Life Choices. He is pro-vouchers and I am pro-public education. But, he is pro-economic and business development and I am too, when they produce high quality jobs. He is pro public safety and I am, too. More federal funds for public safety initiatives are needed in Memphis and most urban cities and he knows that.

The late Justice Scalia and Justice Ginsberg rarely voted the same on major issues. But, they challenged each other's thoughts and did not allow their differences to influence what they cared about: faith, America, family, the complexity of the law, and the amenities that life offers-- a wonderful glass of Merlot together, as friends.

Our country's lack of civility really troubles me. The more we engaged in these wars that build walls of disrespect, anti-compromise, the more our country's real problems go unattended.

I enjoyed my time in the School Board and City Council. I met some lifelong friends on both. Over time, Brent Taylor and Barbara Prescott became two of my dearest friends and confidants. Do we always agree? No. But, when we see each other we don't see elephants and donkeys. We see people we have enjoyed and learned from each other. We see good stewards who tried to make Memphis a little better than it was when we started serving.

Let's pray for a return of an America when a Edward Kennedy and an Orin Hatch were best buddies wearing different labels but could work together, without malice, for a better America.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Zoo Boo Vs Tree Huggers

I won't spend too much time on the Zoo Boo vs. Tree Huggers because there are more serious issues in Memphis for me. And, I like animals and value trees.

Unfortunately , the "bad" guys were the council members and previous administration that approved the Conservancy and gave them a conflicting role that collided with the prior contractual authority of the Zoo. And by the way, Strickland was on that body. So. the Zoo probably feels they can't trust him. Which is why the Zoo members gave the Mayor "game face" and went right on and filed a law suit.

And no where in the charter does Wade offers opinions for the city. That's the City Attorney 's job.
This is a sad situation that needs to go away and Court is the best place to settle it.

But, enough of that,  I am worried about what's going on when young people are killing each other over hair weave!!! And Black lives matter, ya'll.  That's why when government representatives do not model that Black lives matter, the masses think it's open season without consequences. 


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Why are our Children so Angry?

At a reception, Eugenia Venturanza asked me to explore why are our children so angry? I walked away perplexed because anger is usually at the root of violence. But, how do we address that as a community. I posed the question to my Facebook friends who are so profound and enlighten. Why are our children so angry?

A couple weeks later, I just watched an African made movie on #Netflix called BROKEN that reflects the damage that child abuse and abandonment causes. As a social worker, I know this is not the answer for all violent incidents. But, if we are really serious about preventing violence, maybe we should start there. Our children truly have some issues at home and in the community.

Then, Cathy Anderson Kent responded. Her comments demand a wider audience. Please read Cathy's response.
"As a criminal, defense attorney, I don't see where the system hampers discipline in the home at all. I haven't seen those types of cases at all in the criminal courts. REASONABLE corporal punishment in the home is allowed and tolerated by the law, especially during the formative years of a child's life.
 In my opinion, TaJuan Stout Mitchell has hit the nail squarely on the head. The vast majority of offenders and re-offenders (especially those who commit violent crimes) are definitely angry; I see this anger every day at 201 Poplar. In my 22 year career in criminal defense, I've ALWAYS suspected the absence of the father from the home as a stimulus for the majority of this anger I've witnessed in an extreme percentage of criminal defendants.
TaJuan's post caused me to consider my theory further. The mere absence of the father may contribute to lack of discipline, daughters looking for love in all the wrong places and sons who aren't fully trained in the school of manhood; however, it's the abandonment by a parent and sometimes abuse (in 2 parent homes as well as by the stressed custodial parent), even, which would cause the anger and hostility I see. This makes sense to me. For, after all, I'd be angry, too, if I were abandoned or abused.
The system couldn't stop me from rearing my child as I saw fit unless I was committing the crimes of neglect or abuse. Otherwise, parents en masse would force the system to raise a deluge of children, including mine. Reasonable corporal punishment is a parental choice. In my home, my child was spanked when she lied or was disobedient and even though she did not have two parents her entire childhood, as her mother, I made sure that I taught her to respect authority so neither the MPD or Sheriff's Department would have the opportunity (and sometimes pleasure, even) to do it for me.
So parents, discipline your kids yourself and let them no as my parents did, "If you go to jail, don't call me." Then if they go to jail for acting like a fool in public, let them sit there and think about their lack of good judgment. Stop bailing them out and then driving them down to 201 Poplar and holding their hands as they await trial. Let them work it out for themselves so they will think twice about their behavior in the future.
Please pardon my verbosity; but in today's vernacular, "...just sayin'...
 Now, here is why it is important that we have this discussion. These are all valuable points for parents who are too lenient and set no boundaries. This is wake up advice for them.  But the truth is, some of our parents cannot parent because they did not have good models. Some of our parents are reality shows like "HoneyBooBoo" and "BaeBae". Some watch terrible things happen to children and some children see monsters they should never see and parents think they will grow out of it.  Some of the "voices in their minds" would scare us.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention made eliminating violence a health threat. According to them:
 "Violence is a serious public health problem in the United States. From infants to the elderly, it affects people in all stages of life. In 2013, 16,121 people were victims of homicide and 41,149 took their own life. The number of violent deaths tells only part of the story. Many more survive violence and are left with permanent physical and emotional scars. Violence also erodes communities by reducing productivity, decreasing property values, and disrupting social services."
The United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention is committed to ending violence from its roots and helping people to live to their fullest potential.

So here is my suggestion. Our Shelby County Health Department, Schools Systems, State Department of Human Services, Mental Health Associations and County Government should consider joining forces with the Center for Disease and Control to research proven strategies or programs.  Our community needs to research what resources we have and what we need in Shelby County to address violence in this community. Linking resources should give us a better opportunity to compete for federal funds. Let's do some well coordinated planning and eliminate the root of the problem violence. I have confidence that these political leaders can make this happen. Senators Lee Harris and Mark Norris, Rep. Lisa Akbari, Governor Haslem, County Mayor Mark Luttrell, Health Department, and Superintendent Hopson you can make this work and not just save our city, county, but our families and children.  

E'Nuf Said!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Politics 101: Build Coalitions, Share Responsibilities and Praise

The Notetaker's Politics 101:
Build Coalitions, Share Responsibilities & Praise
Councilwoman Wanda Halbert sponsored a resolution for a Teen Summer Youth Program six months after the budget was adopted, which is difficult, and met opposition from the administration who wanted those dollars for an expansion of the ambassador youth program. The Memphis City Council debated the issue and approved reinstating the Summer Youth Program which was dismantled by the Administration.
Now, it is time to announce and administer the program. The Press Conference is announced for today and mentions what the Mayor and the business community are doing to the public. However, not once were the actions of the Memphis City Council acknowledged and we are seeing this program as a result of their leadership! After talking to council members and staff, they were just invited formally to the press conference. This conference should have been coordinated with them because many are just returning from the National League of Cities Meeting and they led this initiative.
If Council and Mayor relationships are to ever improve, his office must understand and practice the principles of shared responsibilities and master the art teamwork.
He did not fail to mention the business community that he values, but the Council's role was not as valued in this press release from him.

It reminds of how the administration failed to get public input on Riverside Drive as it took lanes of traffic from 1000s of motorists to give to a handful of bikers. Had they talked to the public first, it may have recommended that some of the green space be used for biker lanes and not add to the congestion of the Riverside Drive.  Especially, after recently adding the new business of the Riverfront Center that has catered events and a more congested street will adds to parking issues and drop-off and pick up issues for guests.
Government is not a private corporation. It belongs to the people and has many stakeholders and their participation should be encouraged, welcomed and valued.

Little by little. I am noticing we are not valued but an after thought. I am also noticing how often we are giving developed and financed public projects to private interests. They sell it to us under the disguise of another way to save money. Whose money, our or theirs? I digress.
Chicago's Mayor is in an election battle even with the POTUS's endorsement, because of some of these same issues...public education and relying too heavy on business to the exclusion of valuing public input.
Effective leaders must find a balance. The Mayor has had six years to find a balance but it has not occurred, yet. How much longer will it take?

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

What Can City Politicians Do For You?

The Notetaker: Thinking Out Loud Tuesday

Do you know what you expect the Mayor or Council to do for this community?  Here's what I want:

1.  Revision of the Pilot Rules 
External Audits; Residency Requirement; Diversity Rules and a second step approval process for the Edge Board.

2.  Supportive Partner for Public Education
I am not one of those who does not want to spend public funds on education.  I just want it targeted and accountable.

3. Quality Public Services 
A thirty-forty year street repaving program is unacceptable when we had a ten year cycle under Mayor Willie Herenton​'s tenure. Sidewalks for school children and a repair sidewalk programs for seniors in low income areas rather than sending them notices to place a lien of their properties. And, we have spent too many millions on bicycle lanes for less than 20 bicycles traveling down Millbranch a whole month. What happened to the pothole repair service in 24-Hours? And, I dare not talk about how Riverside Drive was destroyed.

4.  Government that values labor and keeps its promises. 
If changes must be made it should be with new employees but never, never, punish retirees who severed with honor and then you give them a bouncing check.

5.  Public access to meetings. 
Memphis can't park in your garage and parking downtown at some lots costs $15 and the meters make it costly, too. Why can't we have City Courts in the city and not downtown to provide parking for citizens?  Why can't we have public meetings on a cable station like Nashville's public meetings?  We have a city library television station?  Why can't we have public meetings televised?  Oh I know, the revolution cannot be televised. LOL

6. Reduce our crime stats and align how we measure crime with FBI stats.
Provide the Director with the resources he outlines in his budget. That process starts with the Administration and moves to the City Council.  Allow the Director the opportunity to draft and implement his plan to tackle crime without all the busy corporate hands trying to tell him what to do.  He is the professional.  Sure, he needs corporate and community input but stop trying to lead his effort. Be good team players.

Stop the excuse that we don't count our crime in the same way as the FBI.  We don't believe that crime is down, I don't care how it is counted.  But, we are a part of the state and the federal governments so there should be consistency in our measurement of crime.

We had $8 million given to us by Bloomberg and the tangible results cannot be measured and his input in that was limited. That's my view from where I sit.  We allow the corporate busybodies to convince us because they are business professionals they know what's best in education and public safety.  Respect the professions!!!

7. Income Inequality and Poverty 
The best way to deal with this is to create wealth by dividing the pie of opportunity with minority and women owned businesses, Sybille Noble, Wendi C. Thomas​, Darrell Cobbins​ and others have studied this problem.  Bring new names to the table to tackle this problem.  Sorry, if you have worked on this the last ten years and now we are less than 3% percent.  You are relieved of this burden. Give someone else a look.

I am also a little bored with always having to gatekeepers or Stephens. I am ready to call you out if you fail to do your jobs to improve this community.  I don't care if you get the check and live well, but make sure you do the work for us and can be measured.

Now, to those of you who will read this and think you can just copy what I want as a platform and put no intellectual capital into this process, get ready for me to ask you, "How?" Without that answer, you are just another empty tailored suit.

8.  Support Our Community's Youth Services Programs
As a social worker who worked as an Executive Director for American Cancer Society, Big Brothers and Big Sisters and St. Peter's Adoption Services, I am not one to think that the City must create a program for children.  We have professionals and programs already doing that. But they, need public funds to grow and expand programming.

We have Boys Clubs, Pink Eagles, Girls Clubs, Firehouse Arts Production and others  we need to invest in. Stop giving money without measurable goals and objectives to determine how effective they are in this community and onsite review dates.  You can assess the effectiveness of a program at a Council member in five minutes.  Someone in the administration needs to make those site visits and evaluate those agencies.

I loved the City's Summer Youth Jobs program and it should be restored.

I want the City to provide wonderful libraries and good programs with great security at community centers.  Why can't we offer piano lessons, dance classes, and painting classes to our youngsters?  Why must only the middle class children get a chance to develop their talents?  Now, that's an investment the city can make to offer the schools  for after school learning opportunities in collaboration with community centers.  Take the service to the school.  Brain storm, please.  You have an excellent leader, Director Janet Hooks.  But, this takes money.